Mistä pelistä? Jollet tiedä, älä googlaa.

"In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time.
They called it the greatest discovery in human history.
The civilizations of the galaxy call it...

"Never thought a reporter could consider themselves a success until someone threatened their life. Me? I'm very successful."
"Oh, that? That's the USS Constitution. I hear it's parked up there for tax purposes."
"Everything here is guaranteed to injure, maim, or kill at your discretion. Except me. I only kill when I want to."
"Haven't you been paying attention? You don't find the Institute...the Institute finds you. You open the closet, it's just a closet. You can never find the monster that hides inside... Not until it jumps out at you."
"I spent the first ten years or so trying to keep the floor waxed... but nothing gets out nuclear fallout from vinyl wood! Nothing! And don't get me started on the futility of trying to dust a collapsed house! And the car! The CAR! HOW DO YOU POLISH RUST?!"
Jokin, kyllä. Mutta mikä? Nyt noppaa heittämään!

- "Could you say that like Dr. Frankenstein? 'Igor! Fetch me the brain!' ...Sorry."
- "No. I will not."
"Now, before you set off on your grand Nuka-Adventure, let me tell you about error system malfunction Are you finished wasting my time, you filthy low-life scavver?! 'Cause I'm getting bored, and when I get bored, I get violent!"
No annetaanpa arvuuttelun olla ja Pagba napatkoon lähimmäs osuneena vuoron. Fallout 4:sta oli kyse, sitä innostuin taas pelailemaan pitkästä aikaa.
A little dwarf just walked around a corner, saw you, threw a little axe at you (which missed), cursed, and ran away.
Siinäkin, tuossa Ubisoftin vuonna 1982 julkaisemassa tekstipelissä ZX Spectrumille, joskin vielä silloin nimellä Adventure 1. Nimellä Classic Adventure se julkaistiin monelle alustalle vuosien 1984 ja 1985 välillä. Vaan minkä nimiseen, vuonna 1976 julkaistuun, peliin se perustuu? Sitaatti on nimenomaan alkuperäisestä pelistä.
Aivan oikein! Olen pelannut sitä hieman. Pitäisi pelata loppuun asti. Vic-20-aikoinani olin hyvin innostunut tekstipeleistä ja pelasin jokaista viidestä Adam Scottin Vicille portatusta pelistä. Adventurelandia varsinkin tuli tahkottua senkin jälkeen kun olin saanut ratkaistua sen kokonaan.