Unkarin Tolkien-seuran Mailing Competition 2016-2017


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Suomen Tolkien-seura
Unkarilaisilla on taas alkamassa erilaisista sähköpostitse tulevista tehtävistä koostuva kilpailu, joka jatkuu lokakuulta maaliskuulle. Ilmoittautumisaikaa on 9.10. asti eli tämän viikon sunnuntaihin asti. Tarkempia tietoja Unkarin Tolkien-seuran nettisivuilta.

This competition consists of different challenges like quizzes, riddles and creative tasks, sent via e-mail to every participant. Our experiences with the international category, called ”Quendi” of the last three years were definitely encouraging, so we announce the international competition again this year. It will be in English and open to any individual participant (but recommended those above 15 years) from all around the world.

You’ll find all the details about the Competition on our website, tolkien.hu: http://tolkien.hu/index.php/mtt/item/3100-international-tolkien-mailing-competition-2016

If you have any questions, they are welcome at tlv@tolkien.hu.