Mistä pelistä? Jollet tiedä, älä googlaa.

Sepä se. Täysin merkityksetön takavuosien räiskintä, joten ei ihme, ettei kukaan muu aiempien vihjeiden perusteella arvannut. Vuoro Novalle.
"In the deep sea, you're not on the ground just because your feet stop sinking. Peace time is hard times for merces like me. I used to be grateful for every job, no matter how boring or senseless it was. It's part of my routine to provide protection for supply boats and transports. It was my job to guard a sulfur shipment, heading from the Gulf of Bengal to the Argentine Basin. Now sulphur isn't a particularly attractive prize for pirates or anarchists, so I got to wondering why a protective convoy was necessary. Especially since there'd been few pirate attacks recently. The captain of the transport insisted on taking the slalom route through the Malay Archipelago, crossing the South Pacific so as to round Cape Horn."
Tämä peli saattaa olla hieman obskuurimpi, joten laitetaan samantien toinen vinkki.

"Neopolis, the capital of the Atlantic Federation. Home of freedom, democracy and unfettered moneymaking. On the eve of 600th anniversary of the ocean settlement, it's gleaming with spit and polish like the inviting entrance of a whoretank. For me it's too clean, too safe. You always know what the next day will bring and the citizens are so content that they've completely forgotten that they're locked up a thousand meters deep in a gas-filled terrarium. For me freedom means more than just the right to inhale all the lavender-scented heliumox I want."
Ei. Pitää jälleen mennä 90-luvulle, tosin ei ihan 15 vuoden päähän saakka kuitenkaan.

El Topo: "Good to see you still alive, Flint. When someone screws up an important job for me, I like to have the opportunity to kill him myself."
Flint: "Your concern for my health really chokes me up."
El Topo: "What's wrong with you? You used to be one of the best, Flint! Does 'Deadeye' need glasses now?"
Flint: "Maybe I do. Think Benthos Unlimited will take me on as a night watchman?"
El Topo: "You'll lose that stupid sense of humor when I kick you out of an air lock without a suit on!"
Flint: "And you'll lose any chance of getting your sulfur back."
El Topo: "A meaningless warlord from the Tornado Zone bested you! It was a routine job and you choked on it like you had the craze!"
Flint: "And you lied to me. There's plenty of sulfur in the Tornado Zone - you don't need to ship any there! And the boat you gave me was complete crap. What'll I have next time? Swin fins?"
El Topo: "You failed me!"
Flint: "Because you didn't tell me everything! Why should Hong Long waste time with sulfur? And why give me that toy boat? It didn't have enough fire power to boil a liter of water!"
El Topo: "It was a cover for a the mission. Anything more powerful would have drawn attention."
Flint: "Well we drew plenty of attention! And it was the kind that tells me they knew more about that shipment than I did!"
El Topo: "All right! Somebody blew our cover! They knew what they were looking for! Now, you'll simply have to repair the damage."
Flint: "I'll do it if you tell me what they were looking for!"
El Topo: "Papers."
Flint: "Papers... You mean like notebooks? Journals? Toilet paper?"
El Topo: "Papers! Digital recordings! Plans! And... a black box, which just happened to contain the answer to the most guarded secret in all Aqua!"
Flint: "Wow! You got the complimentary pass codes for the Pleasure Domes?"
El Topo: "Stop being an ass! I'm talking about all of EnTrOx's expertise! Everything, including every last damned detail about their jump-ship technology! Do you understand, Flint?"
Flint: "Maybe..."
El Topo: "MAYBE? Whoever owns those plans rules over Aqua. I was just one step from having the Van der Waal gang on their knees, and you messed it up! Can you comprehend what's at stake here?"
Flint: "I suppose it's got everything to do with the well-being of mankind."
El Topo: "Don't give me any of your moralizing! You know better than that."
Flint: "People change. Hey, look at me!"
El Topo: "Don't kid yourself. You're still the same ass you've always been. The only difference now is your best days seem to be over. But I'm willing to give you one last chance."
Flint: "That's very big of you."
El Topo: "When you get those papers back for me, the surface will be the limit for both of us!"
Flint: "Great. We'll be right up there with the radioactive waste and the rest of the dead vegetables."
El Topo: "If you fail me again, you will wish you WERE a vegetable."
Flint: "Ok, ok. I'll bring your precious papers back to you. Just give me a boat that's up to the job."
Joo. Tuon parempaa vihjettä en nyt keksi, joten paljastetaan vastaus siis.

Kyseessä on paremmin Settlers-peleistä tunnetun Blue Byten vuonna 1996 julkaisema Archimedean Dynasty. Peli on 2600-luvun vedenalaiseen maailmaan, Aquaan, sijoittuva sukellusvene-toimintasimulaattori jossa on hieman Originin Privateerin tai Brabenin Eliten palkkasoturi-piirteitä.

Pelin maailmassa ihmiset tuhosivat planeettansa ydinaseiden hitaasti eskaloituvalla käytöllä 2030-2050. Lopulta vain merenalaisiin tutkimuslaitoksiin ja kaivoksiin paenneet ihmiset säilyivät hengissä kun ydintalvi laskeutui ja radioaktiivinen orgaaninen aines kasautui merten päälle sulkien kaikki yhteyden merenpäälliseen maailmaan.

Peli sai aikanaan hyvinkin ylistäviä arvioita (esim. Pelit-lehdeltä 93 pistettä) ja on mielestäni yksi 90-luvun parhaita pelejä, etenkin omaperäisen ja hyvin rakennetun maailmansa ansiosta. Aika harva scifi-teos millään kulttuurin alueella paneutuu siihen toiseen asuttamattomaan korpimaahan, joka peittää 71% pallomme pinta-alasta.

Pelin jatko-osat, Aquanox 1 & 2, ovat sitten täydellistä kuraa eikä niitä oikein voi edes samassa yhteydessä mainita.

Vuoro siis nopeimmalle.
Tätä arvuutellaan täällä kuitenkin ennen pitkää.

In A.D. 2101
War was beginning.
Captain: What happen?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It's You !!
Cats: How are you gentlemen !!
Cats: All your base are belong to us.
Cats: You are on the way to destruction.
Captain: What you say !!
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time.
Cats: HA HA HA HA ....
Operator: Captain!
Captain: Take off every 'zig' !!
Operator: You know what you doing.
Captain: Move 'zig'.
Captain: For great justice.
Heh, tulihan se sieltä. Harva on pelannut peliä, mutta moni on kuullut lainauksia kammottavan huonosti käännetyistä repliikeistä. Vuoro Vampireladylle.
1:"When I entered the office, there was a suspicious shadow there."

2:"Suddenly, I was hit on the forehead. After that, I remember being a bit dazed."

3:"If I hadn't been wearing that, I would have been killed!"

4: "When I came to... Mr. Bullard was lying there... dead!"

"1:"When I looked across at the scene, the sword was already in place."

2: "Thinking about it now, I didn't actually see her stab Mystic Elise."

3: "I've never seen so much blood before..."

4: That's when I fainted. You can't blame me, can you?"

5: "And when I awoke...Mystic Ami was...stabbing
Mystic Elise through the back!"
You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
There is a small mailbox here.
Bloodsoaked rags collected at the boy's feet.

One by one he tended the winching soldier's purple wounds: stitched, salved, bandaged, did what little he could in the leaping gold halo of the firelight. Fortunately for his roadside patient, he could do more than most.

Fingers slick with alum ointment, he worked fervently to tie off a catgut cord, then brushed the injury with a light touch that to the untrained eye would seem only a friendly pat---others would recognize the telltale hand gesture as a magical ward against infection.

"Done", Owyn sighed, wiping his hand in a rust colored cloth. "No guarantees though. The stitches may hold all the way to LaMut and then again, push too hard and you could be bleeding like a stuck pig on Midsummers..."