Mistä pelistä? Jollet tiedä, älä googlaa.

"Look, uuhhh...I...I... I haven't done anything wrong... I'm innocent...yes, really!
Uh, look, I can see you're good at swimming and all but...
If you stay in the water too long, you start turning weird colors, like me! See!"

"Whaaaah! My clothes! This happens everytime I flex...
Who are you! How did you get in? You what? A scrawny thing like you, wants to fight me?!
Well, I guess you didn't see my muscles rip through my clothes...
You know, people like you never know what they're getting into before it's too late.
What do you think you can do, skinny boy? Go home, while you still can."
Okei, viimeiset vihjeet:

"Ohh, heading off to the old man's hut already? Unfortunately, the fog is so thick up ahead that you can't see a thing. Looks like we'll have to turn around. Do you dye your hair or is it naturally pink? Uhh... Never mind."

Peli on ilmestynyt viidennen sukupolven konsolille, ja useimmille tämä lienee tuttu ainoastaan demon kautta... Nykyään peli nauttii jonkinlaista kulttisuosiota, käytettyjen kappaleiden hinnat ovat pyörineet parhaimmillaan siinä 60-80 euron paikkeilla.
No mitä mitä, eikö kukaan muka tiedä?

Kyseessähän on tietenkin yksi PlayStationin hauskimmista peleistä: Tombi! (tai jenkkiläisittäin Tomba!)
Ei näköjään possujen körmyyttäminen ollut tuttua puuhaa kontulaisille :D

Seuraavaa kehiin eli nopein voittaa ----->
No en olisi kyllä arvannut tuota miljoonaan vuoteenkaan. Mutta sen sijaan voin kyllä napata ilmaisvuoron, kas näin:

"Whenever I smell asphalt, I think of Maureen. That's the last sensation I had before I blacked out: the thick smell of asphalt. And the first thing I saw when I woke up was her face. She said she'd fix my bike. Free. No strings attached. I should have known then that things are never that simple. Yeah. When I think of Maureen, I think of two things: asphalt - and trouble."
"In my talons, I shape clay, crafting life forms as I please. If I wish, I can smash it all. Around me is a burgeoning empire of steel. From my throne room, lines of power careen into the skies of Earth. My whims will become lightning bolts that raze the mounds of humanity. Out of the chaos, they will run and whimper, praying for me to end their tedious anarchy. I am drunk with this vision. God: the title suits me well."
Jep. Äänessähän siis kaikkien aikojen ilkein tekoäly SHODAN.

Vuoro Vampireladylle.

"Oh its bad luck to be you
A chosen one of many isn't new
When you think you're full of luck, in the bollocks you'll get struck
Oh its bad luck to be you"
"Equipped with just a stick and a head made out of brick, his rabbit's foot failed as a charm
Oh its bad luck to be you
The prophecy is never coming true
In a pickle you'll be stuck, like a chicken you will cluck
Oh its bad luck to be you
Believing that he was the one
His ego weighed in at a ton
His mum's a crazy bat - did we mention she was fat! And she'll need a pine box for her son
Oh its bad luck to be you"
"Where were we... The **** was making an ass of himself... And then... ah yes here it is..."

(****=pelin päähenkilön nimi, jota en paljasta :p)
Tuo on se... Bard tale vai mikä sen nimi oli?

Kaverin kanssa sitä pelattiin vuosi sitten :)
Hyvänen aika.. öö.. laitan tosi helpon, että miltein kuka tahansa tietää..


Person1: We've got a problem, *****! But don't tell anyone...
Person2: (Ignoring ******) Queen ******?
Person1: Not even the queen.
Person2: (Still ignoring ******) *****?
Person1: No, it's top secret!
Person2: G'morning, ladies.

Eli *-merkityt ovat taas nimiä, joten ne piilossa :)
Annetaanpas seuraavat vinkit:

- Kyseinen peli on julkaistu vuonna 2002 ja sen jatko-osa on julkaistu vuonna 2004.

- Tämä on ihan pelin alusta

A tyyppi: So, suppose you get to another world. What would you do there?
B tyyppi: Well, I haven't really thought about it. It's just... I've always wondered why we're here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds... then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could have just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?
A tyyppi: I don't know.
B tyyppi: Exactly. That's why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won't change a thing. It's the same old stuff. So let's go.