Syysmiitti Hämeenkoskella 19.9.-21.9.2014

No jopas minun autooni on tunkua... Tällä hetkellä kyytiini on siis tulossa ainakin Pagba Heinolasta, mutta siihen on mahdollisesti tulossa myös ehkä-Delvor, ehkä-Raseena, ehkä-Lathron, ehkä-eräsneljäs. Travel light jne vai otetaanko peräkärry, ainiin pösössä ei oo vetokoukkua :D

Koska ainainen kyytien päivittäminen ainakin omasta mielestäni on melko no, ei nyt voi sanoa rasittavaa mutta kuitenkin epämiellyttävää hommaa kahlata aina läpi parikymmentä viestiä ja yrittää bongata oisko joku kyytiä vailla ja sit päivittää sen aloitusviestiin ja oho se ei pidäkään enää paikkansa, NIIN:


Kaikille julkinen ikuisesti olemassaoleva Google -dokumentti. Tein tuommoisen kivan taulukkomuotoisen ja kaikille muokkausavoimen, johon voi kukin itse käydä kirjaamassa kyytitarpeensa, -paikkansa ja -tarjouksensa. Ei tarvitse kirjautumista, ei mitään.

Kokeilkaa, täyttäkää jos tieto ei pidä paikkaansa ja kertokaa palautetta. Yes/no/maybe? Tietysti tää ois hirveen paljon hienompi saada Käärmeen sisäiseksi ja suoraan aloitusviestiin esimerkiksi muokattavaksi, mutta ihan siihen Kärmeksen ominaisuudet ei taipune? :)
Jasdril sanoi:
No jopas minun autooni on tunkua... Tällä hetkellä kyytiini on siis tulossa ainakin Pagba Heinolasta, mutta siihen on mahdollisesti tulossa myös ehkä-Delvor, ehkä-Raseena, ehkä-Lathron, ehkä-eräsneljäs.

Eli, sittenkin onnistuin pääsemään mittiin, joskin vain yhdeksi yöksi. Mutta joo, yhteiskyyti olisi molto bene! Onpa kivaa tulla miittiin.
Hienoa, se yö sujuukin sitten mukavasti roborallitessa!

... Ai niin joo, kun sinä väsyt, niin sinä yksinkertaisesti nukahdat istuallesi, vaikka olisit jakamassa ohjelmointikortteja. Ehkei sittenkään.
Tähän liittyen haluaisin mainita että infoviesteissä lukee
Ennen eräpäivää peruuttaville palautetaan miittimaksu. Sen jälkeen ei.
ja maksuohjesähköpostissa
Eräpäivän (01.09.2014) jälkeen tulonsa peruuttaneiden osallistumismaksua ei palauteta. Tämä koskee kaikkia.
Huomasin tämän kun nyt melkein eräpäivään saakka venkoilin että peruisinko kuitenkin, ja aloitusviesti on ehkä hitusen epäselvä sen suhteen että voiko peruuttaa maksamatta vielä eräpäivänä (tai saada rahat takaisin) :p Pientä saivartelua kyllä, mutta sähköpostin muotoilu on vähemmän tulkinnanvarainen. Mutta sitä siis en olisi edes lukenut jos olisin päättänyt perua, koska eipä silloin pahemmin tarvitse maksuohjeita.

//ja mun tuhannes viesti on jotain tällaista nipotusta jota en edes jaksa itse muotoilla kunnolla. voi mordor.
Hello Fellow Tolkien Fans,

my name is Lee, I have come to Finland from the US to study Finnish influence on the works of Tolkien, and reception of Tolkien in Finland. I'll be based at the Univ. of Turku. I have kindly been allowed to come to your next meeting! I look forward to meeting you all.

I apologize that I am only just starting to learn Finnish.

Look forward to meeting you all soon.
Hello Martalex! :)

Absolutely fantastic to have you with us! Look forward to meeting you too. I assume that you already have your ride fixed and you know that everybody brings their own food - though there is a plan to make "shared food" tortillas and muurikka pancakes in which you can also participate if you want :)

The topic for the shared food is here:
Hello martalex. You make me regret even more than I did that I can't attend the autumn meeting. But perhaps you'll be coming to other meetings as well?
Isilmírë sanoi:
Hello martalex. You make me regret even more than I did that I can't attend the autumn meeting. But perhaps you'll be coming to other meetings as well?

Isilmírë is not the only one hoping this! A most warm welcome to you!
Yes I hope to come to some other meetings as well, hope to meet you soon! :)

Jasdril sanoi:
Hello Martalex! :)

Absolutely fantastic to have you with us! Look forward to meeting you too. I assume that you already have your ride fixed and you know that everybody brings their own food - though there is a plan to make "shared food" tortillas and muurikka pancakes in which you can also participate if you want :)

The topic for the shared food is here:

Thanks for the info, sounds like fun!
Vielä huomio rakkaille kyytiläisilleni Pagballe, Lathronille ja Remhulle: Travel light! Kolme raavasta miestä minun pienen ja naisellisen autoni kyydissä on jo enemmän kuin mihin olemme tottuneet, puhumattakaan siitä että mukana ovat jälleen seuran muikeat eväät.
Ei minulla mitään hätää ole, minä istun etupenkillä ja laitan sen mukavasti ääriasentoon taakse. Sitten kallistan vielä selkänojaa ja otan pienet torkut.
Hiya martalex!

I can't make it to this meeting (because I'll be in Britain, Oxford included...), but I'll steal this topic to say hi. I'm responsible for Academic Affairs at the society, and I recently wrote my MA thesis on and around Tolkien. I have some resources and material relating to the reception of Tolkien in Finland - not very much but a wee bit, at least. Lately I've been collecting information on Tove Jansson's Hobbit illustrations and their reception, but this far there hasn't been much to be found from Finland (far more from Sweden). I do have some ideas about where to look, though. Anyhow, feel free to contact me! (i.e. I don't want to spam your inbox - yet :D )
Moro, martalex! Do you already know popular Finnish characters The Moomins and Rölli the Troll? I believe these are central pieces when trying to understand Finnish mentality... They say Rölli's song "Omituisten otusten kerho" is also musically interesting, have you heard it yet? I made (poor) translation to English below.

Is gathering -
Club of creatures weird (x4)

If you are lonely in your burrow
If you are feeling yourself low
Then you should join this club of ours
We are not so few out of numbers

Club of creatures weird (x4)

If your voice comes out as a noise
If a potato looks same as your nose
Then you should join this club of ours
We are not so few out of numbers

Club of creatures weird (x4)

You shouldn't to the evil yourself bent
If someone says you are corpulent
Then you should join this club of ours
We are not so few out of numbers

Club of creatures weird (x4)

It is so that everyone in this planet
Can be seen weird by someone else
Then you should join this club of ours
We are not so few out of numbers

Club of creatures weird...
Heathertoes sanoi:
Hiya martalex!

I can't make it to this meeting (because I'll be in Britain, Oxford included...), but I'll steal this topic to say hi. I'm responsible for Academic Affairs at the society, and I recently wrote my MA thesis on and around Tolkien. I have some resources and material relating to the reception of Tolkien in Finland - not very much but a wee bit, at least. Lately I've been collecting information on Tove Jansson's Hobbit illustrations and their reception, but this far there hasn't been much to be found from Finland (far more from Sweden). I do have some ideas about where to look, though. Anyhow, feel free to contact me! (i.e. I don't want to spam your inbox - yet :D )

Hi Heathertoes, thanks so much for getting in touch and I would be very interested in the materials you have about reception of Tolkien in Finland! And also on the Jansson's Hobbit illustrations, which is the subject of a talk am giving at Oxonmoot next week. So I'd be interested in that info esp. if could get it before I give my talk! :)

Kointähti sanoi:
Moro, martalex! Do you already know popular Finnish characters The Moomins and Rölli the Troll? I believe these are central pieces when trying to understand Finnish mentality... They say Rölli's song "Omituisten otusten kerho" is also musically interesting, have you heard it yet? I made (poor) translation to English below.

Is gathering -
Club of creatures weird (x4)

If you are lonely in your burrow
If you are feeling yourself low
Then you should join this club of ours
We are not so few out of numbers

Club of creatures weird (x4)

If your voice comes out as a noise
If a potato looks same as your nose
Then you should join this club of ours
We are not so few out of numbers

Club of creatures weird (x4)

You shouldn't to the evil yourself bent
If someone says you are corpulent
Then you should join this club of ours
We are not so few out of numbers

Club of creatures weird (x4)

It is so that everyone in this planet
Can be seen weird by someone else
Then you should join this club of ours
We are not so few out of numbers

Club of creatures weird...

Hello and Thanks so much for sending this, I am very fond of the Moomins, and did not know this song!
martalex sanoi:
And also on the Jansson's Hobbit illustrations, which is the subject of a talk am giving at Oxonmoot next week.

You're what? :DDD I'm giving a talk on Jansson's Hobbit illustrations at Oxonmoot! Basically an upgraded version of this talk (click on the heading if the short text doesn't show) I gave at Finncon in July. This shall be interesting ;)
Oh no, I feel such a fool! How could they book identical topic presentations this way? You will know much more about it than I do, I do feel rather silly. May I ask when is your talk? :)

And may I ask your email, maybe we could be in touch about our mutual interests! :)
Apparently my talk is on Saturday morning at 9.45 -10.30. And that's really everything I know about the programme in general (I wish they published it online, but I suppose they only give out paper copies when people register? Can't remember how it was the last time I was around) When's yours? :)

I'll pm you my e-mail address - however, I'm flying to London tomorrow morning so I'm not very reachable in the next 2 weeks, unfortunately :/
OK have a great trip! This is my 1st time at Oxonmoot so I don't know how they do things or what to expect, so will be all new to me. I don't have a program either so not sure about the scheduling. Good travels & I look forward to meeting you there! :)
We Oxonmooters seem to take up this topic. Martalex, I'll take part in both Oxonmoot and Syysmiitti. So hopefully we get together in Oxonmoot, so you'll have one friend you've already met before Syysmiitti. Just ask around Finnish people in Oxonmoot. I'll definetely be at Heathertoes talk, as I couldn't hear it at Finncon.